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Urban Agriculture Resources
South Lansing Urban Gardens (SLUG) provides resources and technical assistance for home and community gardeners. We manage food production in two 90 foot passive solar hoop houses and a 60 foot greenhouse adjacent to the Southside Community Center.  We have a children's garden program, South Side Sprouts and we offer gardening classes for adults on the Spectrum.


Yes, we love and appreciate volunteers in our gardens.  As we continue to expand and grow our program, our need for help continues to grow.  We welcome ALL SKILL LEVELS.  Never gardened? Come join us!  Experienced gardener?  Come join us!   Companies looking for community volunteer opportunities? Come join us!   Yes we like to get things done BUT we also like to have fun in our gardens with our volunteers!  We keep our schedule flexible so our volunteers can fit us comfortably into their schedules.  



Garden Interns 2024 Growing Season

Let Us Help You Seed Your Future!  Intern with a certified horticulturist who can teach you about growing fruits and vegetables naturally.  We are looking a special person who wants to get dirty this summer.  Someone who wants to grow and harvest healthy food for our neighbors.  Email your interest to:


The Webster Farm Community Garden project in south west Lansing is a collaborative effort involving South Lansing Community Development Association, Ingham County Land Bank’s Garden Program, the Garden Project of the Greater Lansing Food Bank, community gardeners from the former Jolly Grove Garden, neighborhood residents, and many more. We are also happy to have dozens of families New Americans nvolved in the visioning, planning, and gardening of the nearly 2 acre Webster Farm.  Follow us on Facebook:  

Wish List

  • Work with kids in our garden and nutrition programs
  • Help plant and maintain donation gardens, help in garden start ups, etc. (April-November)
Garden materials
  • Seeds (veggie and flower)
  • Garden tools (wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, hand troughs, gloves, hoes, etc.)
  • Garden containers
  • Untreated lumber for raised beds
  • Watering cans.
Volunteer applications here!  Contact SLCDA to donate. Thanks!!